Speak at Converge

What is your Tanium story?

Share your experience leveraging Tanium in your environment for visibility, control, and remediation of your endpoints. Showcase your team's work leveraging Tanium, its impact on your company, and enable other Tanium users to learn from your efforts and success!

Fill out this short form to submit your session application. In this form, you will be asked to provide your contact information, proposed session title, and a brief description of the content you would provide during your session.

In addition to receiving a speaker gift and complimentary Converge and Hands-On Labs In-Person ticket, all accepted session speakers will be invited to record a short video about their presentation to add to their personal speaking portfolio and use for promotions to the wider community.

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Key dates

Keep on top of these key Call for Papers dates to ensure your session runs as smoothly as possible.

Questions? Email us.

May 16, 2024
Call for Papers opens

August 23, 2024
Call for Papers submission deadline

October 30, 2024
Presentations due for review

November 18 - 21, 2024
Converge 2024 event is live in Orlando, FL!

Preparing your submission

Put your best foot forward by preparing your submission before submitting the official form. Helpful tips and resources for what to expect while completing the form can be found below.

Breakout sessions will be 30 minutes in duration as a stand-and-deliver presentation format with slides. However, if you are interested in delivering your presentation in an alternative format (Panel, Fireside Chat, etc.), you can identify so when submitting the form.

What will you call your session? Session titles should be succinct and highlight the central message you are planning to address in your presentation.

Be ready to touch on the below points in the description you submit for your proposed session.


What is the business problem or goal you are addressing? How were things done before? What was the difficulty and why? What were the technical challenges before?


How did you use Tanium to solve the problem? What has been the evolution of your Tanium deployment / journey so far?


What did you learn or discover? Did a new technique or approach work? Were there surprises? Do you have any metrics that showcase your success?


What are your plans for the next 6 to 12 months or even longer? Any additional capabilities or endpoints you are looking to expand to?


Summary of your journey with Tanium so far and recap of best practices / learnings. (Why the audience should sit through your session.)

Which Converge tracks will your session content most closely correspond with (you can choose multiple)? Track options will include: XEM Core (includes Asset Discovery & Inventory), Endpoint Management, Digital Employee Experience, Risk & Compliance, Incident Response, ServiceNow and Tanium, Microsoft and Tanium, and Other / Undecided. If you are unable to identify a track for your session, you will be able to specify this at the time of your submission. Once your session has been confirmed, the Converge Speaker Team will work with you to determine your session's track prior to the agenda release.

How many speakers will be involved in your session? What are their personal details (name, job title, company/organization, email, mobile)? What role will they play in the session (Primary Speaker, Secondary Speaker, Moderator, etc.)?